For judging in the European format , for judge it is need: a work place free from visitors and exhibitors with fluorescent lighting, a table and two chairs, disinfection, napkins, judge’s reports
only steward, a student judges and the owner bringing their cats can be on the European judging .
Judging must be in accordance with international rules - open and anonymous. The judge must known only the number of the cat, its breed, color, date of birth, show class, and sex. Each judge has to give a reason for his judgement on the judge’s report.
Judging must be openning , every judge must say about his opinion for exhibitors .
The judge describes the cat, for example its qualities and faults compared to its breed standard and includes the classification and title, (checking the correctness of the title class defines Secretariat)
The judge describes all cats in competitive class . (all cats in one title class and sex have a competition for the hightest mark).
The judgement of cats on cat-shows of the AFC is performed according to the official standard and the rules of the AFC.
> The judge must not describe an aggressive cat.
Nobody can say on the cat-show that the judge is wrong.
Every judge can describe not more than 60 cats per day. An increase of this number by 10% is permitted, if the judge and the organizing club agree upon it.
Non more than 1 title can be close on one cat-show.
Open Class Junior Champion / Premior
CACK;CACJ/ CAPK; CAPJ Candidate for Junior Champions / Premiors
3 titles CACK; CACJ / CAPK; CAPJ from three different judges
Open Class
CAC/ CAP Candidate for Champion / Premior
3 titles CAC / CAP from three different judges
Champion / Premior
CACIB/ CAPIB Candidate for International Champion / Premior
3 titles CACIB / CACIB in two different regions from three different judges
International Champion / Premior
CAGCIB/ CAGPIB Candidate for Grand International Champion / Premior
3 titles CAGCIB/ CAGPIB in two different regions from three different judges
Grand International Champion / Premior
CACE/ CAPE Candidate for European Champion / Premior
3 titles CACЕ/ CAPE in three different regions from three different judges
European Champion / Premior
CAGCE/ CAGPE Candidate for Grand European Champion / Premior
3 titles CAGCЕ/ CAGPE in three different regions from three different judges
Grand European Champion / Premior
CACНА/ CAPHA Candidate for Absolutely Champion / Premior
3 titles CACHA/ CAPHA in three different federal districts from three different judges
Absolutely Champion / Premior
HCH/ HPR Honorable Champion/Premior
3 titles HCH/ HPR in two-three different countres from three different judges and receive the Prize of Honour
Titel Classes for Household Pets only neutered household cats from the age of 6 months
Open class
CO Candidate for Companion
3 titles CO from three different judges
SCO Candidate for Silver Companion
3 titles SCO in two different districts from three different judges
Silver Companion
GCO Candidate for Golden Companion
3 titles GCO in two different districts from three different judges
Golden Companion
PCO Candidate for Platinum Companion
3 titles PCO in three different districts from three different judges
Platinum Companion
HСО Candidate for Honorable Companion
3 titles HСО in three different districts from three different judges
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